Being a Key Person in an Early Years Setting
Course Description
The aim of this course is to raise your awareness of the significance and value that you have as a key person in a child’s life. It begins by looking at the role and the requirements that must be fulfilled before shifting focus to the importance of developing a relationship-based approach to working with children. At EduCare we ensure that all our training courses are written and endorsed by experts. This course has been written in partnership with the Pre-school Learning Alliance.
Course Objectives
This course will cover important topics and practical elements of the key person role, including:
• 1. Defining what the key person role is.
• 2. Why a key person is important.
• 3. Induction and settling-in.
• 4. Record keeping.
• 5. The key person as teacher.
• 6. Supporting the home learning environment.
• 7. Discussing your key children during supervision.
• 8. Developing attachments.
Key Features
• Written in partnership with experts at the Pre-school Learning Alliance.
• A fully interactive course, including optional narration for accessibility, comprising one module and one questionnaire.
• One CPD hour with a personalised downloadable certificate.
• 70% pass mark
How to apply
This online training course normally costs £18.59 but is available free to gold members. For more details see our online training page.
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