Sharing Information with Parents
Childminder Paperwork > Sharing Information with Parents
Complying with the EYFS and Childcare Registers
There is certain information that must be shared with parents to comply with your registration on the Early Years (EYFS) register and Childcare Register and other information which is good practice to share with parents to provide them with details about you and the service you provide including:
Record forms (statutory) to share with parents including:
Accident, Injury and First Aid Form
Medication Administration Forms
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Policies and Procedures
Document retention (statutory)
To comply with the Data Protection Act and your registration with the Information Commissioners Office you must inform parents about how long you keep information relating to their child on digital media or paper copies.
Read our free guide on Document Retention for more details.
How the EYFS is being delivered in the setting (statutory)
Parents guide to the Childcare Register
Parents guide to the EYFS
How parents and/or carers can access more information about the EYFS (statutory)
You can provide parents with a link to the Foundation Years website.
The range and type of activities and experiences provided for children (statutory)
Share information with parents about the resources and equipment you provide for children to use, show parents your group photo albums and share information about your group planning.
Making a Resource List
Resources for Babies and Toddlers
Resources for Pre-School Children
After School Children
Resourcing Multiculturalism and Diversity
The daily routines of the setting (statutory)
Permission form to record parents views and agreement on different aspects of your provision
How parents and carers can share learning at home (statutory)
Records of children’s attendance in the setting (statutory)
Fire practice records for in the setting and, if relevant, on outings (good practice)
Download the free Emergency and Fire record .
Keep parents updated with their child’s learning and development, their activities and experiences and how you track their progress (statutory)
Sharing Learning with Parents
Observation Assessment and Planning information
Sharing Information about Outings
How the setting supports children with special educational needs and disabilities (statutory)
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Food and drinks provided for children (statutory)
Provide parents with your Menu Planner
and information about allergens to comply with the new EU allergen legislation (statutory).
How information is shared with other settings and professionals to support the child’s ongoing learning journey
Working with Other Settings (CPD)
Parents must be informed about their child’s progress (statutory)
A written Progress Check (statutory) must be in the file of every childminded child who is in our care between the ages of 2 and 3 years. It must be headed ‘2 Year Progress Check’ and parent comments must be included. The check must highlight if there are any concerns about the child’s learning or development.
Details of the provider's Policies and Procedures (statutory)
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy & Procedures
Further Information Guides cover other Policies and Procedures you might want to share with parents (good practice):
Policies and Procedures for Childminders
A ‘Compliments Record’ (good practice) enables you to ask parents for their comments relating to your business and ways of working which you can then include in your Self Evaluation Form (good practice):
Staffing in the setting (statutory)
You must give parents details about yourself and any staff who work with you including qualifications and suitability (CRB / DBS check and Ofsted suitability letter).
The name of their child’s key person and their role (statutory)
Childminders are key person for every child; if you work with an assistant or co-childminder you will share responsibility for the children and parents must know the name of their child’s key person. The key person is lead practitioner for the child, working closely with them and their parents to support their care and learning.
Telephone number for parents and/or carers to contact in an emergency (statutory)
Provide parents with your mobile phone number and make sure they know where you are taking their child each day in case they need to contact you in an emergency. You should let them know if you are going somewhere with a poor mobile phone signal.
The EYFS notes information you must request from parents about the child (statutory)
This information should be retained while the child is in your care and best practice is to take it on outings so emergency services can recognise each child if you are unable to speak for them.
Child Record / Registration Form
Your opening and closing times including holidays (good practice)
Inform parents about the times you open and close including holidays.
Your settling-in procedures for new children (good practice)
Debt Management for Childminders
Transitions - Settling in Process
Contract (good practice – required for insurance) and Contract Termination Letter
Risk assessments (good practice)
Childminders must consider whether it is useful to write some risk assessments to share with parents. you will find detailed support for writing Risk Assessments in the following information guides:
Writing Risk Assessments - part 2
Writing Risk Assessments - part 3
Writing Risk Assessments - part 4
The new ‘Risk Assessment Record’ provides you with further information and sample risk assessment documentation.
Visitor records (good practice)
Record visitors in your diary or this easy-to-use ‘Visitor Record’ book which compliments your other paperwork.
For more support putting together a parent pack to share information about your provision and ways of working with new parents, please see this series of information fuides (good practice)
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